Saturday 28 April 2012

Major panic

No morning sickness today thank goodness. But I had a major panic instead. I realised that I only had enough progesterone support to last me until Monday night. That was okay until I phoned up to order more (no - you can't get it where I live, it has to be couriered) but the courier company doesn't work on a Sunday and then Tuesday is a holiday here. And because the progesterone needs to be refrigerated, they won't send it if it's going to be sat around in a warehouse somewhere for a day, so they won't send it until Wednesday and won't arrive here until Thursday. So then major hormonal panic ensued thinking I'd just ruined everything and I would lose the baby on Tuesday since I wouldn't have any progesterone left and my body won't be making enough on its own yet. Finally logic crept in after sobbing my eyes out, and I sent the midwife a text. She called me back immediately, asked me if I was okay and I blubbed down the phone to her that I was 'a bit worried'. lol She laughed and told me not to worry, there was another form of progesterone (it's a pill I shove up my foo foo instead of a gel) that I could take once I run out, every 8 hours, until the new stuff arrives. And breathe...

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