Sunday 8 April 2012

Embryo transfer - Easter Sunday

Well I had my 3d transfer today. According to the Dr he's put back 2 perfect embryos into my perfect uterus. The 3rd one's still going but has one cell with 3 nuclei. They're going to wait until Wednesday to see if it fragments & heals itself in which case they'll freeze it, if not then not because it would never be viable anyway.

My Dr was so so happy that we've completed the IVF cycle & been able to put two good embryos back. He said to be honest he wasn't actually holding out much hope for a result like this with FSH as high as mine and an AFC as low as mine. So he was chuffed to bits, and even rubbed my tummy!

But oh my goodness that was hard work having a full bladder! lol

Fingers crossed now, and roll on the 23rd when I go for my blood test.

I've been taking it really really easy this afternoon/ evening. I'm up relatively early tomorrow to calmly pack and be out of the apartment and then I've got an early evening flight back home. Looking forward to getting home.

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