Monday 16 April 2012


I've been pretty symptomless until today. ok, the odd twinge here and there which I've just written off to 'it could be anything'. and today i've got cramps as though I was on the heaviest day of af. well, i don't get cramps as such, just a very sort of heavy feeling, and i only ever get it for one day during af. and that's totally how i feel today. i'm 8dp3dt or 11dpo and i'm a pretty spot on 13 or 14 day luteal phase person, so a bit early for this feeling normally. really hope it's not af trying to show up early! i am starting to get tempted to start POAS... but should probably wait until about friday as I've read the ovidrel trigger can hang around for up to 14 days... though it would be kinda fun to see two lines for the first time, even if they weren't real. Tempting...

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