Thursday 12 April 2012


I finally got my AMH results back today. A bit late considering I've now completed the IVF cycle, but I'm glad my RE didn't wait for them because all they do is confirm what we already knew - that I've got very low ovarian reserve... 0.2ng/ml. I sent the results to my RE and he just emailed back 'hahahaha - but we got eggs out of you anyway!'. lol

I think my body's adjusting to the progesterone now. My boobs are no longer painful, though still a bit sore and I'm getting less and less cranky. I'm feeling my ovary less and less. Today I had the faintest of cramps, probably due to the progesterone.

They were meant to call today to tell me about the 3rd embryo but didn't so I sent a text asking if there was any news. I got a text back saying I'd get a call tomorrow as they would need to check the lab records. I'm assuming that means that the 3rd one didn't make it, otherwise I'm sure they would have called once they'd made the decision to freeze it... to ask for more money.

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