Thursday 26 April 2012

First scan booked!

The midwife called me back today and I'm going to have to make a special trip for my scan, which is going to be on May 4th and should make me 6 weeks + 1. Might juuuuuust be lucky enough to catch a heartbeat, but if not, I know it's still too early to worry. But fingers crossed. And fingers crossed that there's something there!

So I'll be flying in in the afternoon, taxi to the clinic, hang around for an hour or so, have my scan, taxi back to the airport and last flight back home. And that'll be me $438 lighter before I've even paid for the scan.

At some point I need to decide if I'm going to carry on with my RE who also happens to be an ob/gyn and do these flights but have access to the best/ latest equipment etc or find someone locally. And I've also now decided what health insurance to get so need to take that out soon. Thankfully here there's a law where they can't hammer you for pre-existing conditions and everything simply kicks in the month after you take out the policy

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