Friday 20 April 2012

Wow - we really are pregnant!

Well after almost a year and a half of unsuccessfully trying, I finally went and got my bloods checked out. Turns out I'm a fairly serious case of premature ovarian failure. At 37 years old, I've got FSH of almost 26, AMH of only 0.2 and only 6 antral follicles. All pretty dire really and I would be turned away from most IVF clinics in the US & UK. Luckily I live in South America and came across an excellent RE who didn't hesitate to take me on. Well he managed to get 4 good eggs out of me, 3 fertilised (using ICSI - due to my age though, my husband's SA was perfect), and 2 developed nicely and where transferred back. And now 12 days later, I've been getting BFPs (for the first time ever!!!!) for the past 4 days.

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As of yesterday, I came out of denial and started accepting it's real. I told my parents and my sister yesterday because even if this doesn't last, this may be the one and only time that I'm ever able to get pregnant, and I wanted them to be able to share this happy time. And bizarrely, my mother said that she'd already guessed and had already mentioned that she thought I was pregnant to my father and sister. I've also decided that I'm going to try and not worry about things and try to live in the moment and enjoy everything while it lasts. It can all go wrong up until the very last minute, and I don't want to worry for all those minutes.

I've started getting a few symptoms too. This is today's haul so far:

I'm getting loads of twinges and mini-cramps, I taste blood/metal at the back of my throat, I have a sense of smell that should belong to a superhero, I had to take a nap after lunch today I was so tired, but that might have just been down to not sleeping too well last night, & I feel mildy queasy from time to time but a soda cracker and some water so far seems to settle that.

Hubby's also being lovely. We're planning a holiday at the moment and planning to meet up with some friends of his and their wives/ girlfriends. But he's already changing the plan from dinner and all night drinking to a lunch time affair so that I won't have to suffer being sober and getting too tired. Bless him. I love that man so much!!!

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