Friday 13 April 2012


The clinic said they'd call yesterday to let me know about the 3rd embryo as they needed to check the lab records, but they didn't. So I sent a text today asking if there was any news and I've just had a text back saying that nothing was frozen as the embryo continued developing with multiple nuclei in the cells. Even if they had decided to transfer that embryo and it implanted, it would have resulted in a spontaneous miscarriage at some point anyway, so I'm fine with that. I suppose the consolation prize there is that the embryo did in fact continue developing and didn't arrest which would suggest that the transferred embryos are hopefully still going as well.

So now we've literally got all our eggs in one basket (my uterus). lol Fingers crossed!

Oh and 5dp3dt and feeling the odd twinge down there but I'm not sure I've paid that much attention to feelings like that before so I've got no idea if I normally feel those sorts of things anyway. I'm also getting the odd hot flush now and then which is most likely the progesterone. Other than that, I feel just like I do normally.

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