Tuesday 1 May 2012


I've had a fair bit of cramping/ pulling/ twinging today which I'm hoping are just growing pains. It's all very left focussed which makes my mind wander to ectopic but I'm trying not to let my mind stay there for long as it's not actually painful as such, just ranging from comfortingly there to very period like cramps to feeling like trapped wind (which I guess it might be). I know when I had my HSG that my uterus is tipped way forward and quite a bit to the left - enough to be noted in my notes. Also, and this is way tmi, when I'm putting in the tube for the progesterone gel, my vagina seems to be pointing towards my left hip. So I'm hoping that all the left centred goings on are just because everything's tipped over that way. Glad I've got my scan on Friday. Really hoping that it's not ectopic for the obvious reasons, but also because I'm not covered by health insurance yet. I really need to get it done!

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