Thursday 6 September 2012

We're pregnant - my first ever natural bfp!!!

I'm so glad that I followed my gut instinct and didn't start on the bcps for IVF #2 when the coordinator told me to!!!  Hubby and I followed the Sperm meets Egg Plan, although we did miss the day before I ovulated.  I was super relaxed about ttc this cycle as well because I honestly thought it wouldn't work so happily had a drink probably every night, though only one or two.

I did start to get sleepy really early over the past week and a bit but I thought it was more down to me also waking up really early.  Then I started spotting at 8dpo which is really early for me but I thought that was me out, except that it stopped at 9dpo.  Then when we had sex on 11dpo there was one wipe of blood (again I thought that was me out) but then nothing.  Then hubby made a comment about my boobs being big, I thought it was the bra I was wearing.  And then the night before he went back to work, we were having a discussion about something and I burst out crying for no reason.  So with each of these things I wasn't symptom spotting but at the same time things were starting to make me curious and also I was daring to get a little hopeful.  So there we are sitting in a restaurant at the airport waiting for hubby's flight yesterday with a fair bit of time to kill and I just blurted out that maybe we should take a pregnancy test just as something to do as it would kill 5 minutes.  Hubby agreed so I popped next door to the restaurant which was a pharmacy and got myself a ClearBlue test.  And there in the public toilets of the airport, I saw that blue cross appear within about 30 seconds.  So I went back to the restaurant with a silly grin on my face and plopped the test stick in front of hubby and said, looks like we're pregnant.  And then we spent the rest of the time pretty much in stunned shock that we beat the odds and actually got a natural bfp.

And so it all begins again.  We agreed that we are not going to sit around worrying about things going wrong because if they're going to happen, they are going to happen and there's probably going to be nothing that we can do about it, so we're just going to enjoy this pregnancy for all it's worth!  Though don't get me wrong, I know that each scan I'm going to be terrified of seeing that still screen again and that little heartbeat is going to be the first thing I look for before I start to breathe again.  But I've got a good feeling about this one and so far my gut feelings have been pretty good so I'm just going to go with it.

I also emailed my RE right away to let him know and also to ask him what I needed to do now.  So he emailed back saying I needed to get blood tests for HCG obviously, as well as progesterone and estradiol.  I'm just back from getting those done though they said that they results wouldn't be in until Monday at 6pm!  I'm hoping that the results will be up online well before that though.  And I think I'll stick with my RE and all the travelling that it'll involve until the end of the first trimester as I like him, I trust him, and I know he'll do everything he can to look after me and make sure this pregnancy is a success.

So there we go, I'm still in shock and probably won't start to accept it until the HCG results are back, and again it won't really feel real until that first scan, which I hope will be sooner rather than later.


  1. OMG Manu!!!!! I am beyond happy for you! Massive Congrats to you and DH. This baby is here to stay!!!! Xxxxxx

  2. Thanks hun!!! I think so too. Fingers crossed. :) xx

  3. So happy for you!!! exciting! All the best and fx for you!!
