Thursday 13 September 2012

5 weeks & a decision to make

My RE finally got back to me tonight to say that my HCG numbers were much better and could I go for a scan either here or in the city (with him) on the 20th or 21st (which would make me around the 6w mark).

Now my decision is which to do.  I'd like to stick with my RE/ OBGYN because he knows our history and I also know that he is very good at what he does.  However thanks to flights and taxis, it'll cost about £122/$198 more each time I go for a scan.  But I love the idea of going locally and being able to hop in the car, go to my scan, and then just come home again, all in a couple of hours at the most, rather than it taking the whole day if I go to the city.  And then thinking further ahead, am I really going to move to the city for the last part of my pregnancy just so my current Dr can do the delivery?  But then again, if hubby and I decided on an elective c-section that might be more feasible.  Also what if something were to go wrong, I know at his clinic in the city, they've got the latest equipment both for mum and baby, locally I'm not so sure (but that's not to say that they don't, I just don't know).  I think I've got some homework to do on that front.

But for the mean time, I just need to make a decision on where to go for my 6w scan... ??????

Oh and symptom wise, I'm not feeling much, only a couple of twinges today and boobs are a little swollen, but craving salt like a crazy woman.  However, unlike my last pregnancy where I did pretty much zero exercise, I have been doing something everyday this time.  Yesterday I was on the exercise bike for 20 minutes and today I did a pregnancy yoga workout I found on YouTube.

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