Friday 7 September 2012

4w+1 & blood test results are back

Today is when af was due to show up and she didn't - yay!!!  And I've been stalking the clinic's online results section and mine are up, a whole 3 days before they told me they would be.

My beta HCG is 67.2 and the range they have for 4 weeks is 50 - 500.
Estradiol is 132.21, they don't have a range on there for pregnancy so no idea if that's okay or not.
Progesterone is 16.89 and the range for the 1st trimester is 11.22 - 90.

So, so far so good.  I've emailed my RE with the results and we'll see what he comes back with.

As for pregnancy symptoms, apart from slightly fuller boobs and the occasional hot flush, nothing.

Update: My RE replied to say I need to go back for another HCG test and that I'm positive but on the low side. Thankfully in that sense I know not to stress too much as it's not so much to do with the level but rather the doubling time.  So I'm going to go back on Monday for another test and we shall see.  Fingers crossed!

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