Saturday 15 September 2012

5w+2 - first scan booked

My lovely godfather has got me an appointment for the 29th, which by my calculations should have me at 7w+2.  My RE has also given me the number for someone so I'll try that person for my 9 week scan, and then I'll make a decision who to stay with based on who I feel more comfortable with.

I'm so nervous!  So scared that there's not going to be anything there or that there will be but there will be no heartbeat.  I'd just like that appointment to be over with already so I can know.  Oh to have a crystal ball and be able to see into the future to know if this is going to be a happy ending so I can relax.  So instead, I'm just going to try and ignore it for now.


  1. Oh Manu, try to stay positive, everything will work our for you! so your first scan is next Saturday? Best of Luck!!! Hugs xxxxx
