Tuesday 19 June 2012

And waiting...

I'm now sat in the airport waiting for my flight home after having my D&C follow up appointment with my RE. He did a vaginal ultrasound, said everything was looking good, that my ovaries were looking good, & that I should expect to continue spotting for another 7 to 10 days (but apparently up to a maximum of 40 (!!!) days can happen & is ok) as there's still a tiny bit left to come out but that's only because with the suction method they used, they don't scrape every last bit out doing the op. So with that he's given me the all clear, and that I can go back to normal life & exercise etc again.

He also said that the first set of test results are back - those done on my placenta. And everything was perfected normal there. So I'm guessing that means that our baby didn't die from my body attacking it??? And the other set of results - tests done on our baby - take 28 days from the day of the D&C. From what I understood, those will tell us if there was a problem with hubby's sperm, or with my egg or when they came together. I asked when we'd be able to start again and he said there's no point talking about that until we get those test results back as we don't know what trying again will mean, whether we use my eggs, or donor eggs, or what. That last bit really stuck in my head. I'm not ready to give up on my eggs after only our 1st try (and granted, our first failure). But there's no point stressing about it until those results are back as we may not need to be considering that yet. Though before I went for my D&C my sister did offer her eggs if necessary, though we would have to see as she is almost 3 years older than me. Anyway, we'll worry about that if the time comes.

So now it's back to waiting. Waiting to stop spotting, waiting to get the results, and waiting to start ttc again. I'm not so good at this part... *sigh*

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