Wednesday 20 June 2012

MIL just made my blood boil

Oooooh, my MIL just really annoyed me. She just sent me this email...

"Just sent an email to [hubby] but thought as neither of you are great at keeping in touch I'd do a back up one to you too!!!!
Hope you are well again and all systems ready for another shit [her typo but oh so very apt] at IVF ? Not sure what the procedure is on that?
[Blah blah blah - just stuff happening in her neck of the woods]
Hope to hear from one if you sometime???? X"

I wrote back ignoring her questions about IVF but I did feel like writing back and saying stop being so f'ing nosey! If hubby wants to tell you what's going on, he will. Personally, I don't know you well enough to talk about stuff like this with you & could it possibly occur to you that I might possibly still be grieving and not actually want to talk to anyone outside my immediate family and some very close friends. And when hubby did tell you we'd miscarried you kindly wrote to me to say that you'd talked about it with X,Y & Z and their daughters had all had miscarriages too and it was very normal. All good intentions I'm sure but it sooooo didn't help and it helped even less knowing you blabbed our very private news and grief to other people without even bothering to ask if that would be okay with us. And hope I'm well again and ready for another go at IVF... it's only been 10 days since the friggin operation you insensitive old bat! Oh she's made me so angry I'm in tears about it. Grrrrrr.

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