Saturday 9 June 2012


I'm still a bit teary but am ok, though the 13 hour flight back was hell as I was sat between two pregnant women.  What were the chances?! So I'm just back from my UK holiday and have just been to see my RE who's confirmed that there is indeed no heartbeat & will try to schedule me in for a D&E tonight or tomorrow. The ultrasound he did today is showing that things are starting to come away so it's going to happen naturally in the next few days but he'd really like to be able to get tests done so he can treat anything that's treatable as he said the baby looked morphologically fine. He also said having some answers about what went wrong will also give hubby & I much needed closure and I think he's right.

So for now, I'm just trying to look forward and getting this op done & any answers we can get so we can then move onto our next round of IVF and hopefully a successful pregnancy & a lovely healthy baby at the end of it.

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