Saturday 13 October 2012

9w+2 - ordered a doppler

I've given in and ordered a Sonoline-b 3Mhz fetal doppler.  Hopefully it should be arriving sometime next week.  Sometime between now and 11 weeks is when our last baby's heart stopped beating so I'm really hoping that we're going to get some reassurance from this thing.  But I have to remember to not freak out if I dont' hear anything as it may simply be too early.

Had terrible nausea all day yesterday.  Only times I felt ok were when I was lying down or fast asleep.  Today seems to not be too bad, but then again I am lying on the sofa!


  1. Hun you are doing great!! I am stalking and admiring your little bean on the scan pics! Sorry you are feeling so rough though! We brought a Doppler too..and once we found baby's heartbeat, it was very reassurring xxx

  2. Thanks hun! Can't wait for it to arrive! And I've been feeling good ever since this post so fingers crossed I've turned the corner on morning sickness...
