Wednesday 24 October 2012

10w+6 - tests

This is the day that we went for that awful scan with the last pregnancy where we found out that the baby's heart wasn't beating any more.  However, I am very pleased to say that I've just had a listen with the doppler and this baby's heart is happily thumping away! Yay!

So anyway, I'm just back from my first lot of blood and urine tests.  It's so backward here sometimes it's almost funny.   Now normally when I've gone for blood tests, they stick the needle in and then pop on and off the different vials that they're going to use for the tests and the blood just comes out at its own rate.  Not in the place I had to go to today, I got my blood sucked out with a big syringe, I cold feel it coming out and it felt really weird!  Then for the urine tests normally you're just given a cup and told to pee in it, or with some instructions on how to clean yourself first and how not to contaminate the sample.  Oh no, not here, I had to have my feet up in stirrups for this.  She cleaned me and then told me to pee while I was lying down.  For me, that is impossible!  Even after my embryo transfer when I did my IVF and I was absolutely bursting for a wee, I couldn't relax myself enough to use the bed pan, even when they left me alone.  There's no way I was going to manage to wee with my legs in stirrups and some random woman holding a cup up against me!  I argued enough that she eventually agreed to let me wee in the cup in the normal way, thought she did put a bit of cotton up me so as no potential discharge could contaminate the urine sample.  Oh my word!  Anyway, results will be ready on Friday.

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