Thursday 25 October 2012

11 weeks - cravings

Yay - we've made it to 11 weeks.  9 days to go till the next scan.  I have to admit that I'm nervous about it in case my risk level for Down's or another defect is not good.  Obviously there's nothing I can do about it but I would really like to come away from that scan with a light heart rather than with concerns about what to do next.

Today I started feeling a little queasy after breakfast and I was thinking through what I could eat to make me feel better.  Everything I thought of made my stomach turn until I thought of salami and hotdogs!  So all well cooked obviously but I'm feeling good again.  Soooo weird, but so nice obviously.


  1. Yay! I am so happy that you are doing so well! The blood and urine test sounds wacky though!! Do keep us updated about the next scan!

    Oh and weird cravings!!! Lol!

  2. Thanks lovely! Thinking of you & your dad - I hope he improves soon. Glad the little one's hanging on for now. Big hugs! xx
