Friday 5 October 2012

8w+2 - fighting fatigue

Today's the first day in a while that I haven't had 'morning' sickness. So I finally feel like doing things & being more active. But doing anything is so draining, it feels ridiculous & to be honest, just a tad pathetic. But I'm trying to listen to my body. So for example today I washed my hair, and then had to lie down and rest, cooked dinner and had to lie down & rest, did the washing up and you guessed it, had to lie down and rest. It's hard work trying to be even vaguely productive and really quite debilitating. And I have been lying here being oh so grateful that I live the life I lead and that my wonderful husband works as hard as he does so that I don't have to. I honestly don't know how I would manage having to go to work at the moment.

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