Wednesday 31 October 2012

11w+6 - I felt something today

This morning before I got out of bed, I put my hands on my tummy and I'm pretty sure I felt my uterus sticking out a bit.  It was firm and in the same area where I hear baby's heart with the doppler.  My trousers now don't do up and I'm having to wear my belly band and the only thing that's really comfortable are my trackies at the moment.  I've got my scan at 12w+2 so I'm also going to pop into a maternity clothes shop that's nearby while I'm there and see if I can get some jeans and leggings with a more comfortable waist!

Thursday 25 October 2012

11 weeks - cravings

Yay - we've made it to 11 weeks.  9 days to go till the next scan.  I have to admit that I'm nervous about it in case my risk level for Down's or another defect is not good.  Obviously there's nothing I can do about it but I would really like to come away from that scan with a light heart rather than with concerns about what to do next.

Today I started feeling a little queasy after breakfast and I was thinking through what I could eat to make me feel better.  Everything I thought of made my stomach turn until I thought of salami and hotdogs!  So all well cooked obviously but I'm feeling good again.  Soooo weird, but so nice obviously.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

10w+6 - tests

This is the day that we went for that awful scan with the last pregnancy where we found out that the baby's heart wasn't beating any more.  However, I am very pleased to say that I've just had a listen with the doppler and this baby's heart is happily thumping away! Yay!

So anyway, I'm just back from my first lot of blood and urine tests.  It's so backward here sometimes it's almost funny.   Now normally when I've gone for blood tests, they stick the needle in and then pop on and off the different vials that they're going to use for the tests and the blood just comes out at its own rate.  Not in the place I had to go to today, I got my blood sucked out with a big syringe, I cold feel it coming out and it felt really weird!  Then for the urine tests normally you're just given a cup and told to pee in it, or with some instructions on how to clean yourself first and how not to contaminate the sample.  Oh no, not here, I had to have my feet up in stirrups for this.  She cleaned me and then told me to pee while I was lying down.  For me, that is impossible!  Even after my embryo transfer when I did my IVF and I was absolutely bursting for a wee, I couldn't relax myself enough to use the bed pan, even when they left me alone.  There's no way I was going to manage to wee with my legs in stirrups and some random woman holding a cup up against me!  I argued enough that she eventually agreed to let me wee in the cup in the normal way, thought she did put a bit of cotton up me so as no potential discharge could contaminate the urine sample.  Oh my word!  Anyway, results will be ready on Friday.

Monday 22 October 2012

10w + 4 - a good milestone

It was at 10w+2 or 3 that baby's heart stopped beating last pregnancy. I've just had another listen on the Doppler & the little heart is still going strong. I'm so happy to be passed that point. 10w+6 is when we found out last time so I'll be really pleased when we get to 11 weeks. Fingers crossed!

Thursday 18 October 2012

10 weeks - doppler arrived & found heartbeat!

Well my doppler arrived today and I managed to find baby's heartbeat - a nice strong 180bpm!  I hadn't realised how relieved I was to hear it until happy tears started streaming down my face.  The first thing I did was email the sound file to my husband so he can enjoy this moment too.  I'm absolutely over the moon!

Tuesday 16 October 2012

9w+5 - jeans don't do up any more

I've just admitted to myself that as of today I officially can no longer do up my jeans and still feel even vaguely comfortable.  I've been doing the whole elastic band around the buttons thing but now the zip is feel restrictive.  It's just okay if I'm standing up, but sitting down is a whole different story!  So the belly band is getting used for the first time today.

Saturday 13 October 2012

9w+2 - ordered a doppler

I've given in and ordered a Sonoline-b 3Mhz fetal doppler.  Hopefully it should be arriving sometime next week.  Sometime between now and 11 weeks is when our last baby's heart stopped beating so I'm really hoping that we're going to get some reassurance from this thing.  But I have to remember to not freak out if I dont' hear anything as it may simply be too early.

Had terrible nausea all day yesterday.  Only times I felt ok were when I was lying down or fast asleep.  Today seems to not be too bad, but then again I am lying on the sofa!

Thursday 11 October 2012

9 weeks - scan no. 3

I'm just back from having my 9 week scan. Baby's still measuring just fine and I saw its little heart beating away but this Dr didn't measure the rate. I wish he had, but from what I saw it looked nice and strong. Next scan is probably going to be November 3rd now. That's the one I'm really scared about, and if all is still okay then, then I'll start to breathe easier. Anyway, here's our little baby bear, unfortunately he only took one photo and it didn't come out very clear, you can only see one of the crosshairs for the measurement. I'm not very good at seeing what's what at the best of times, but I think baby's got its back to us and the head end is on the left???

Wednesday 10 October 2012

8w+6 - nausea is toying with me

Three days ago it was like a fog lifted and my nausea was back down to just a mildly annoying level. Prior to that for about a week and a half it has been debilitating and pretty much all consuming. I have yet to actually be sick but it's take a very strong will at times to not allow myself to be sick. I naively thought being at nearly 9 weeks that maybe I was out of the woods. But no such luck, I'm feeling pretty awful right now.

Tomorrow I've got another scan, so another anxious wait, hoping & praying that that little heartbeat is still going to be there. Fingers crossed!

Friday 5 October 2012

8w+2 - fighting fatigue

Today's the first day in a while that I haven't had 'morning' sickness. So I finally feel like doing things & being more active. But doing anything is so draining, it feels ridiculous & to be honest, just a tad pathetic. But I'm trying to listen to my body. So for example today I washed my hair, and then had to lie down and rest, cooked dinner and had to lie down & rest, did the washing up and you guessed it, had to lie down and rest. It's hard work trying to be even vaguely productive and really quite debilitating. And I have been lying here being oh so grateful that I live the life I lead and that my wonderful husband works as hard as he does so that I don't have to. I honestly don't know how I would manage having to go to work at the moment.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

7w+5 - oh the morning sickness

Ohhhhh, this is the worst I've felt so far, by far! I've spent most of this evening willing myself not to throw up. I'm reminded of when my husband and I both came down with a terrible stomach bug and at one point when we were both not throwing up and were actually lying in bed together we both burst out laughing, in a very weak, pathetic way mind you, because we realised how funny we most look & sound as we were both lying there moaning & groaning as we felt so awful. Well that's just what I'm doing right now. Ugh!

But I've also said to baby to just crack on with whatever s/he needs to do. I'll survive. haha