Wednesday 1 August 2012

Planning IVF #2

The IVF coordinator got in touch today.  She'd like me to send my plan from round 1 and also to make an appointment to go and see her.  For me any IVF appointment means an expensive flight to the city where my doctor is, so I need to bare this in mind.  Now I've got two options, I could go for an appointment asap and get started this coming cycle and be able to share some of the injection giving with my husband... however he hates needles.  But I would be taking the flight and spending all that money, as well as the taxi fare, for probably talking to the IVF coordinator for about 10 minutes to then hop on the plane again and fly home.  Or I could just chill, take advantage of the fact that I'm already flying to the city to pick up my husband from the airport and I could do the appointment while I'm there waiting for him.  My period is likely to have started a few days before so it might be that we miss the cycle or if fate wants it, then we'll make the cycle.

I think I'm quite happy with that idea... I think.  And I've also got this stupid feeling that since I miscarried so recently that I might somehow miraculously become vaguely fertile and we could actually hit that less than 7% chance of getting pregnant naturally.  Like I said, I know it's a stupid feeling because it is so unlikely, but I'm having trouble shaking it.

And this is what I love about writing it down, because I've now realised that I'm really leaning towards letting fate take the decision.  I'll make the appointment for when I'm already in the city and if we're able to make this coming cycle for IVF then great and if not, then we'll see if nature plays ball, and if not then we'll just start the IVF next cycle.

I've also been taking CoQ10 since my miscarriage so waiting this long may also give my eggs the chance to be the best they can be for the IVF.

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