Monday 13 August 2012

IVF Coordinator appointment

Well I'm really really glad that I insisted on having this appointment over the phone as it lasted less than 5 minutes and would have been a complete waste of my time and money to have flown to the city for it.

She started off by asking me how long I'd been on birth control pills for.  I told her that I hadn't been on them.  She said 'noooooo'.  To which I replied that no one had told me I was meant to be on them.  So she wants me to start on them right away since af started yesterday.

I explained that my husband works abroad and is back home on holiday for a few weeks and that I know it's an outside chance but there's always the chance that we might manage to get pregnant naturally while we're actually together and I didn't want to lose that chance by going on the pill now.  So we agreed that when (although I'm hoping it won't) af next turns up, I'll start on bcp right away and give her a call and she will then programme me in for IVF #2.

So there we have it, hubby and I are going to make the most of our very slim natural chances and if that doesn't work (which we know in all likelihood it won't) then we'll move to IVF#2.  This way there's no regrets or what ifs, and also no expectations on this cycle so we'll hopefully be super relaxed about it too.


  1. I wonder why the doctor wants you on BC.
    Manu, I know your chances are slim but I believe in miracles, so go and give it your best effort and maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised. Best of luck hun!!!!!

  2. That's what I'm hoping! hehe As for the bcp, my RE put me on them last time as well. He said something along the lines of that it forces the better eggs to the front of the queue. Plus they can also get you going when they want you to and can programme you in accordingly.

  3. hi lovely, I am quietly stalking to see how you are getting along. Im glad your clinic were able to do the consult over the phone...because travelling all that way for a 5 minute consult would have been madness!!

    big loves xxx

    1. Thanks hun! How are things going with you??? xx
