Friday 3 August 2012

Another step towards IVF #2

I did it, I sent off my chart from IVF #1 to the coordinator today, let her know when I'd be in the city, and asked which of the two clinics my RE attends would be the best one to make my appointment at for that date.  Now the wait to see what she comes back with.  Once the appointment's made, the ball will be well and truly rolling again.  I have to admit I'm a little bit apprehensive, nervous, scared, and yet excited about it all.


  1. I can't imagine how hard it is to take that next step! Well done you, big loves xxxx

  2. Hi, I found you over here. Well done for taking this next step. Hugs, threebirds x

  3. Thanks hun! How are you getting on?? xx

  4. good for you Manu!! I am sorry I've been MIA :) but I'm here now and excited for you to get things rolling. I have faith that everything will work out perfectly for you and DH. You are doing the right thing by going with your gut feeling. Lots of hugs!! xxxx

  5. Thanks hun, and I've just seen your wonderful news! So so happy for you! xx
