Tuesday 31 July 2012

The final closure

Today I received my receipts for the D&E in the post today.  It's weird they wait this long to send them but at the same time I'm glad they do.  I'm not sure I would have been emotionally ready to receive a looong breakdown of everything single little thing that was used on me and our little one.  But today it just feels like the end of a chapter, which in a way, it is.  It's all done now, I've even got the receipt for it.

But on a lighter note, just as I was falling asleep last night, the most lovely image entered my mind.  A little girl, our little girl, in a sunny meadow, hand in hand with a little friend, laughing and running and just having a lovely time.  No idea where that image came from, but it brought a little happy tear to my eye and truly warmed my heart.  And with that I went to sleep with a smile on my face and a lightness in my heart.

You'll never be forgotten and will always be loved by us little one. 

I'm glad that you are where you need to be, so that you can be happy and carefree, just like you deserve to be.

All our love always, 
Mummy & Daddy


  1. your little angel will always be watching over you and your husband. I think the image was her sending you a message that she was ok and she's enjoying heaven. Lots of hugs to you my friend! keep strong! xxx
