Thursday 26 July 2012

Genetics results

I'm going to call in about half an hour. I have to admit that I'm a bit nervous. Not about finding out if there was anything wrong or not, but finding out if our baby was a boy or a girl. It's silly because one way or the other it was either a boy or a girl and it makes no difference to me which it was. I think it must be something to do with actually knowing which, will make the 'what could have been' so much more real and tangible. Oh I don't know. I'm just being silly and need to pull myself together.

Update: Stupid system. The results are ready but I'm supposedly meant to go and pick them up in person. I'm in a different city! The girl I spoke to however, is just going to check if she's allowed to scan them in and email them to me...

Update: Okay, I got the results. We had a little girl, but she had Turner Syndrome (Monosomy X). I've had a good cry but it's so nice knowing what went wrong and I feel so calm inside now. I'm now glad that what happened, happened, and my body did what it had to do, it's just amazing. I'm comforted to read that 15% of all miscarriages are because of Turner Syndrome and that 99% of women carrying a baby with Turner Syndrome miscarry. And I'm unbelievably relieved to read that this problem really is just a fluke and not because there is anything wrong as such. So I have my closure now, I can rest easy and draw a line under this now and move forward with a much lighter heart. I've sent the results to my RE and we'll see what he says for moving forward.

Oh, and the thing that made me cry the most was when I told my family; my sister was also there with her youngest son who's 2 1/2 years old & he was having his lunch. As I was telling them the news I obviously welled up and started crying. And my lovely little nephew stood up right away and walked up to me with his arms outstretched, so I knelt down, and he gave me THE most lovely hug! He then went back to his lunch but kept getting up and giving me hugs. Oh that made me cry so much. How, at that age, did he know that I needed hugs?!

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