Friday 9 March 2012

No mucking around - straight to IVF / ICSI

So here I am again, but I think I'll be updating this a bit more often now that we've stopped trying for a natural pregnancy and only being able to try once every 12 weeks thanks to DH's job.

So to get back up to speed, I've done my initial bloods and I came back with high LH and really really high FSH (26). I've done an AMH test but still have to wait about another month for the results though I don't think they really matter too much now. I've done a second FSH test and my result was right in the middle of the normal range. Our RE says that's because I'm in an oscillating phase but it's good that it came back low. He's diagnosed me as a low responder and recommended that we go straight to ICSI/IVF. DH's sperm analysis came back completely normal so all's good from his side which is good, so while DH was home, we had some of his sperm frozen so that we can crack on with the IVF while he's away.

So the RE has put me on the pill for now and 5mg of folic acid. I've still got to do my HSG so will be doing that Wednesday morning followed by a baseline ultrasound with the RE in the afternoon. He'll then decide on what cocktail of drugs he is going to give me.

DH and I have also put a plan of action together. We're going to give IVF a maximum of 4 tries. If no luck by that point, we'll move onto the donor egg option. And if no luck there, we will look to adopt. I would really like my genes to be involved in our future family, but if they can't be then they can't be (that sounds very nonchalant but trust me I have cried and mourned the loss of my genes from the minute I got that first FSH result), and at least we are in a place where we are actually looking at starting our family one way or another relatively soon.

So here we go... 

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