Friday 16 March 2012

HSG / AFC / IVF lesson

Well yesterday went pretty well, but I'll warn you, this'll probably be quite long, so you may want to get yourself comfortable...

Had my HSG, which didn't go to plan at all. She tried the first time to get the dye to go up me, but no, it decided to just all come out onto the table. So everything had to start from the beginning again, same again the second time - apparently my cervix is quite 'ample' in its bottom two thirds. So she then went for a balloon catheter to make it get up there. So not only did I have to endure 3 attempts, I also had the pleasure of being charged an extra $100 for the joy of having a balloon catheter shoved up me. I took your advice and took 400mg of ibuprofen before I set off for the clinic, but she also had an excellent hand and apart from the discomfort of the speculum, I didn't feel a thing. Which leads on to the fact my tubes were clear, which seems to be the main cause of people's pain. I have some adhesions on my left tube but that doesn't matter since we're going straight to IVF. There's no fluid in my tubes which is what my RE was worried about and he also said that my uterus is perfect for housing a baby. I bled a little after and then spotted for a few hours, had some very mild cramps and that was it.

Then I went to my RE and had my baseline scan and antral follicle count - 4 on the left - the side with the tube with adhesions - and 2 on the right. No wonder we weren't getting pregnant naturally! lol Not many, but exactly what was expected for someone diagnosed as a low responder. My RE reassured me that with my diagnosis, we're not looking for quantity here, only quality. I'm guessing he was happy with that as he then called his IVF programme coordinator and had her run across the city to come and see me and get me up and running on the programme.

So she turned up 90 minutes later, talked me through the IVF procedure, how to do my injections and then gave me my protocol. So I take my last BCP on the 19th, then on the second day of my period, start with Menopur for 5 or 6 days, then come in for a scan to see how I'm doing, when the RE's happy, I'll start also injecting Orgalutran. Then when my eggs get big enough, I take a day's break and then inject Ovidrel.

If all goes well (which it very well may not) she reckons they'll be doing egg harvesting on April 4th and then the transfer back on the 7th!!! Blimey, it all seems to be going very quickly now... we only met with the RE for the first time on March 5th! I know the RE had said with FSH levels as high as mine we don't have any time to waste, but I didn't realise just how much he seems to have meant that.

And then I got on a plane and flew home. Got to order my drugs today and I think I'm going to look at renting an apartment near the RE for a few weeks so I don't need to be spending so much with travel and hotels.

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