Monday 13 August 2012

IVF Coordinator appointment

Well I'm really really glad that I insisted on having this appointment over the phone as it lasted less than 5 minutes and would have been a complete waste of my time and money to have flown to the city for it.

She started off by asking me how long I'd been on birth control pills for.  I told her that I hadn't been on them.  She said 'noooooo'.  To which I replied that no one had told me I was meant to be on them.  So she wants me to start on them right away since af started yesterday.

I explained that my husband works abroad and is back home on holiday for a few weeks and that I know it's an outside chance but there's always the chance that we might manage to get pregnant naturally while we're actually together and I didn't want to lose that chance by going on the pill now.  So we agreed that when (although I'm hoping it won't) af next turns up, I'll start on bcp right away and give her a call and she will then programme me in for IVF #2.

So there we have it, hubby and I are going to make the most of our very slim natural chances and if that doesn't work (which we know in all likelihood it won't) then we'll move to IVF#2.  This way there's no regrets or what ifs, and also no expectations on this cycle so we'll hopefully be super relaxed about it too.

Friday 10 August 2012

Appointment with IVF Coordinator booked!

This is the start of the ball rolling. I've booked my appointment with the IVF Coordinator for the evening of the 14th. Looks like it's going to be over the phone/Skype so I'm really pleased with that.  I'm waiting for AF to appear any day now which in a way would be nearly perfect timing to start this cycle but my gut is telling me to wait for the next one.  I have no idea why it's such a strong feeling but I've got to go with it.  I figure it's either that we'll manage to get pregnant naturally while my husband's home or that if we did IVF this cycle, it wouldn't work for some reason.  Or maybe it's the financial side.  If we do the cycle while my husband's home, because we do spend as much time together as we can, we'd both be going to my appointments in the city which would mean a doubling of the airfare costs and also potentially spending time towards egg retrieval in a rented apartment in the city rather than our new home which we're moving into next week and that would be rubbish.  No idea, but we've got to go with the no regrets approach and go with gut feels.  And what if we did manage to get pregnant naturally this cycle...?  I have proposed the Sperm Meets Egg plan to my husband so we'll see if we can restrain ourselves to only dtd once every other day for a whole week!

Update: She said that she'd call me today (Sunday) but it's now 11pm and she hasn't called. I sent her a text an hour ago asking when she was going to call but no reply.  Bit of a let down really.  Oh well, I suppose my appointment is for Tuesday.  But I'll give her a call tomorrow.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Minor setback in getting started again

I called up today to make my appointment for the day I'm in the city and it turns out it's a holiday so is obviously a no go.  I've emailed the IVF coordinator to see if we can do the consult over the phone or Skype and we'll see what she says.  I'm still vainly hoping we'll just get pregnant naturally while my husband's home and all of this expense, effort, uncertainly & stress will be unnecessary.  At least our journey so far hasn't made me lose the ability to hope!  Hahaha.

Update 10/08 - Doesn't seem to be too much of a setback after all as she seems to be willing to do the consult over the phone.  Her issue is that she needs to give me my prescriptions.  But that's easily solvable by sending a reliable taxi driver I use in the city to go and pick them up and leave them for me at the hotel we'll be staying at the following night.  So I'm happy with that as there's no need for any extra flights or hotel stays for us.

Friday 3 August 2012

Another step towards IVF #2

I did it, I sent off my chart from IVF #1 to the coordinator today, let her know when I'd be in the city, and asked which of the two clinics my RE attends would be the best one to make my appointment at for that date.  Now the wait to see what she comes back with.  Once the appointment's made, the ball will be well and truly rolling again.  I have to admit I'm a little bit apprehensive, nervous, scared, and yet excited about it all.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Planning IVF #2

The IVF coordinator got in touch today.  She'd like me to send my plan from round 1 and also to make an appointment to go and see her.  For me any IVF appointment means an expensive flight to the city where my doctor is, so I need to bare this in mind.  Now I've got two options, I could go for an appointment asap and get started this coming cycle and be able to share some of the injection giving with my husband... however he hates needles.  But I would be taking the flight and spending all that money, as well as the taxi fare, for probably talking to the IVF coordinator for about 10 minutes to then hop on the plane again and fly home.  Or I could just chill, take advantage of the fact that I'm already flying to the city to pick up my husband from the airport and I could do the appointment while I'm there waiting for him.  My period is likely to have started a few days before so it might be that we miss the cycle or if fate wants it, then we'll make the cycle.

I think I'm quite happy with that idea... I think.  And I've also got this stupid feeling that since I miscarried so recently that I might somehow miraculously become vaguely fertile and we could actually hit that less than 7% chance of getting pregnant naturally.  Like I said, I know it's a stupid feeling because it is so unlikely, but I'm having trouble shaking it.

And this is what I love about writing it down, because I've now realised that I'm really leaning towards letting fate take the decision.  I'll make the appointment for when I'm already in the city and if we're able to make this coming cycle for IVF then great and if not, then we'll see if nature plays ball, and if not then we'll just start the IVF next cycle.

I've also been taking CoQ10 since my miscarriage so waiting this long may also give my eggs the chance to be the best they can be for the IVF.