Wednesday 6 February 2013

25w+5 - 3D scan

I'm so in love!!!  Here's our little guy.

He had his head tucked away in a corner of my uterus and there was loads of cord in the way of his face, so the sonographer did an awesome job of managing the get the shot.  He seemed apologetic that that was the best he could do.  I think it's amazing!!!!

I've got another appointment tomorrow with the OB so will be getting the full report on the scan as well.

Monday 24 December 2012

19w+4 - It's a boy!!!

A catch up is definitely in order here!  Well a little while ago, I had a very minor bleed but got sent to the ER to have it checked out after it hadn't stopped after a few days.  I was put on total bed rest until it stopped, which took about a week and was very boring!  Ever since, everything's been just fine.

Our sonographer told us it was a boy at the scan I had at 13 weeks but at our last Ob visit, at 19 weeks, he confirmed that we are indeed having a boy.

My husband and I decided today to start measuring my bump.  So today (December 24th), at my widest, I'm 34 inches around.  I think normally I'm 26 or 28, something like that.

Anyway, wishing all a very Merry Christmas!!!

Friday 16 November 2012

14w+1 - bleeds

I'm onto my third bleed this pregnancy.  The first one was a two day implantation bleed which was super exciting.  The second one was only a wipe after dtd with hubby so that didn't worry me.  And yesterday I'd been feeling a bit crampy on and off all day and around 9:30pm I went to the bathroom, not feeling well after having pizza for dinner, and I had some pink blood on the paper.  The sent my OB a text and he said nothing to worry about it, it happens, but to let him know about any more bleeds.  I woke up at 4am needing to wee and there was slightly heavier brown on the paper.  Thankfully this morning there was barely there pink, so hopefully it's on its way out, though I am slightly crampy this morning.  But I'm going to basically have a day in front of the tv with my feet up just to be sure.  As my husband said last night, there's no point in pushing myself and risking anything as it's been so hard just to get where we are.  I am so thankful for my Doppler though as I checked last night and this morning and baby's heart is still thumping away - I think I'd be completely freaking out if I didn't know.  Fingers crossed it is just one of those bleeds.  That said, last night was also the first time that my gums bled a little when I brushed my teeth before bed.  Maybe it's just my increased blood volume overflowing a bit.  haha.  It's scary though.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

13w+5 - OB appointment

I had my first proper OB appointment today and I'm to have them monthly from now on.  He weighed me (shoes and all), took my blood pressure & had a quick look at baby.  Our wee man was still wriggling and jumping around and the Dr showed me baby's little man bits.  The Dr was really happy with the results of my scan and said that everything was looking really good.  He also gave me a new multivitamin to replace the current British multivitamin and the separate 5mg of folic acid that I'm taking.  This new one's got 1mg of folic acid and 150mg of iron, which is great because I'm soooo sleepy all the time.

13w+2 - NT scan

Ooops, I meant to post this on Saturday. 

I was really nervous about this scan in case there was something wrong, but the Dr measured absolutely everything and everything is well within the normal ranges. He said at my age you start out with about a 1 in 170 chance of a baby with Downs but with my results it's going to be way better than that. So a big huge sigh of relief and oh it was just such an amazing scan. Baby looks like a proper person now and was sooooo active, we were in there for ages trying to get baby in the right position for all the measurements but baby was doing lots of turning and jumping and just jiggling around, it was actually quite funny, even the Dr was laughing at one point. And... it's a boy! Something about the angle of the pelvis, and the Dr was super sure about it. I said from right at the beginning that I just had a feeling in my gut that it was a boy, and there you go.  He's also measuring in at 13w+5 which would bring his due date to May 13th, but babies never come when they're meant to so I'm just saying he's coming sometime in mid May.

So my report says my age risk of having a Downs baby is 1/111 but taking the scan measurements into account that takes it to 1/480, which takes me out of the high risk category.  Hubby and I are soooo relieved.  Oh and baby's head is measuring in at 14w+3 which we find hilarious as hubby and I both have pretty big heads, so it was kind of inevitable. lol

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Wednesday 31 October 2012

11w+6 - I felt something today

This morning before I got out of bed, I put my hands on my tummy and I'm pretty sure I felt my uterus sticking out a bit.  It was firm and in the same area where I hear baby's heart with the doppler.  My trousers now don't do up and I'm having to wear my belly band and the only thing that's really comfortable are my trackies at the moment.  I've got my scan at 12w+2 so I'm also going to pop into a maternity clothes shop that's nearby while I'm there and see if I can get some jeans and leggings with a more comfortable waist!

Thursday 25 October 2012

11 weeks - cravings

Yay - we've made it to 11 weeks.  9 days to go till the next scan.  I have to admit that I'm nervous about it in case my risk level for Down's or another defect is not good.  Obviously there's nothing I can do about it but I would really like to come away from that scan with a light heart rather than with concerns about what to do next.

Today I started feeling a little queasy after breakfast and I was thinking through what I could eat to make me feel better.  Everything I thought of made my stomach turn until I thought of salami and hotdogs!  So all well cooked obviously but I'm feeling good again.  Soooo weird, but so nice obviously.