Tuesday 13 November 2012

13w+2 - NT scan

Ooops, I meant to post this on Saturday. 

I was really nervous about this scan in case there was something wrong, but the Dr measured absolutely everything and everything is well within the normal ranges. He said at my age you start out with about a 1 in 170 chance of a baby with Downs but with my results it's going to be way better than that. So a big huge sigh of relief and oh it was just such an amazing scan. Baby looks like a proper person now and was sooooo active, we were in there for ages trying to get baby in the right position for all the measurements but baby was doing lots of turning and jumping and just jiggling around, it was actually quite funny, even the Dr was laughing at one point. And... it's a boy! Something about the angle of the pelvis, and the Dr was super sure about it. I said from right at the beginning that I just had a feeling in my gut that it was a boy, and there you go.  He's also measuring in at 13w+5 which would bring his due date to May 13th, but babies never come when they're meant to so I'm just saying he's coming sometime in mid May.

So my report says my age risk of having a Downs baby is 1/111 but taking the scan measurements into account that takes it to 1/480, which takes me out of the high risk category.  Hubby and I are soooo relieved.  Oh and baby's head is measuring in at 14w+3 which we find hilarious as hubby and I both have pretty big heads, so it was kind of inevitable. lol

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