Tuesday 30 August 2011


Ok, I think I've been staring at this thing too long. Have I gone cross eyed or can you see something really faint???

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 960x197.

Edit: After calming down from this morning, I'm now thinking that it's most likely an evap line or just the test area showing up. Trying to be realistic. On the other hand, it could be the start of something pink showing up and I've just caught it really early. Not realistic but it would be very exciting! I sent the photo to my husband and he can see something there too. Bless him we were both on Skype earlier telling each other not to get excited but then he blurted out that he is very excited. Oh I just love him so much!

Monday 29 August 2011


Well, still nothing one way or the other. Still a bfn. I don't feel pregnant and I don't have any af symptoms either. I'm pretty sure she's on her way though.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 960x196.

Sunday 28 August 2011


Now that I've said I would love to get the faintest of bfp's even if it was just a chemical because it would be nice to know we could even get that far, I felt compelled to test again this morning. Just in case it was going to be the only day that I got the faintest of bfps, but therefore satisfied that need to know we could get that far. Anyway, still negative, but it's still early. Oh and my boobs are a bit swollen and a little tender today but that's probably just because af is getting ready to make an appearance.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 960x219.

Saturday 27 August 2011



Ok, I caved! lol Did a 10mIu test and nothing. Could have sworn I could see the faintest of lines but I inverted the colours and you can clearly see that my eyes were making things up.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 960x161.

But I still feel nothing. No symptoms at all and nothing that feels like it could be af either. But then again, she's not due for another 4 days. So I'm going to resist the urge to poas tomorrow and do another one on 10dpo. Fingers crossed but I'm starting to feel a little more settled in the whatever wagon. I'm already thinking about when DH is next home and going for the preliminary tests to get IUI underway. It would be so wonderful to be able to be in with a chance every cycle and not one in 3 or 4.

Thursday 25 August 2011


I am dying to do a test!!!!! I know it's ridiculously early and so I won't but the urge is there. Arrrrgh! I hate waiting. lol I've started symptom spotting as well which I know I also shouldn't do. And I guess that's why I've decided to write this down, so hopefully I can stop thinking about it. I've had a couple of very mild cramps today. Ok, they're not even that, more like twinges. But that could just be trapped wind. And I've been sooooo lethargic and just blah today it's unbelieveable. Very unlike me. But that could just be down to missing my husband. Right, I think a kick up the backside is needed so that I get on and do something productive with my day!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

August 24th, 2011

So it's over a year since I last wrote anything. This try to conceive malarky isn't as easy as it seems. I guess it doesn't help that my gorgeous husband works abroad for 9 weeks at a time and is only home for 3 weeks inbetween which means that even when we are together, we still sometimes miss my fertile window. I really should start tracking the number of cycles that we're actually in with a chance. Maybe this will be a way of doing just that.

Anyway, my husband left to go back to work this past Saturday and I either ovulated on the Friday or the Saturday (clever me managed to forget to take my temperature on the Saturday!). We dtd on Wednesday night and Saturday morning so hopefully we timed things well and are in with a chance this time. He's now not home again until sometime in late October / early November. So at the moment I'm counting Friday as my ovulation day, more than anything so that when I get my period, I won't get caught out by a day. lol So that makes me 5 (or 4) DPO. I think I'll do my first test at 11 (or 10) DPO. We'll see if I can hold out for that long as I love to POAS!

So other than all that, I've been working on the Couch to 5K running programme. I'm into week 3 now and I just finished the second run. That was 25 minutes of exercise, a total of 9 minutes of running and I covered 2.7km. At this rate, I'll be doing much more than 5km by the end of week 9. But I'm happy with that. It was hard work today as I picked up the pace but I'm feeling really goooood now!