Sunday 20 May 2012

8w+2 - little did we know, the last time we'd see her alive

We went for a scan together yesterday. Baby's measuring in at 2cm now with a good strong heartbeat. Sorry I couldn't figure out how to rotate the photo on my phone before uploading it so you'll just have to tilt your head to the right to see baby's head end pointing to the left & when it's pointed out you can also see little paddle hands.

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Thursday 10 May 2012

Musing about birth date

If I had a choice I'd like to avoid it being on either Christmas or New Year's itself, so they could have their own day for their birthday. But hey, I'll take whatever comes, I'm just grateful to finally have a baby growing inside me. But I guess, seeing as they did the embryo transfer on Easter Sunday, it would all be a bit crazy if baby was born on Christmas wouldn't it?!

Wednesday 9 May 2012


Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about the middle of the night peeing!! Yeah, I'm awake like clockwork at 3:30am and again around 5:30/ 6am. But part of me thinks that I'm going more often because I'm trying to be healthier and am just drinking more fluid than I normally do, so I'm not sure if mine's a real pregnancy symptom or not!

Tuesday 8 May 2012


As long as I keep grazing, the nausea is at bay. I get terribly night time bloat a couple of nights a week and I'm sooooo tired! Other than that and a few twinges here and there, I'm pretty symptom free.

I'm just back from having 4 vials of blood and a cup of pee taken. Tests for T3, T4, TSH, HIV, VDRL, CBC, Complete urine analysis, Blood group, Biochemical profile and urine culture count.

Saturday 5 May 2012

Introducing our little bean

Well the scan went well. Even got to hear & see its little heart beat going at 100bpm. It's mind blowing!!!! And yes there is another sac present but it's empty & tiny in comparison. My RE reckons it'll be reabsorbed in the next few days. I would have been thrilled to have twins but with hubby away so much it would have been quite a challenge, so I'm happy as anything with one! Oh, and bean is the blob between the two sets of crosshairs, measuring in at 1.8mm which apparently puts me at 6w+3 rather than +1.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 768x1024.

Thursday 3 May 2012


I'm feeling better about it now as well as I haven't had any 'pain' today. Though tonight I've got terrible bloat going on. Not bad for not even 6 weeks huh?! It's actually quite uncomfortable. lol

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 905x646.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 931x708.

Wednesday 2 May 2012


I don't like these stand in progesterone pills. For some reason they're a lot more messy than the Crinone and taking them every 8 hours is a bit inconvenient. I'll be glad when my next batch of Crinone arrives tomorrow afternoon. It did mean though that I accidentally felt my cervix while I was putting one of the pills in yesterday and it's super soft and squidgy which I understand is just what it's meant to be like at this point. So that made me smile.
I can't wait for the scan... day after tomorrow now! I would just like that reassurance that there is something there and that this isn't all in my head.

I've also started exercising after taking it suuuuper easy during the whole IVF process and to bfp. Just walking but it feels soooo good to be moving again! After the scan and with the Dr's ok, I'm going to start swimming.

Tuesday 1 May 2012


I've had a fair bit of cramping/ pulling/ twinging today which I'm hoping are just growing pains. It's all very left focussed which makes my mind wander to ectopic but I'm trying not to let my mind stay there for long as it's not actually painful as such, just ranging from comfortingly there to very period like cramps to feeling like trapped wind (which I guess it might be). I know when I had my HSG that my uterus is tipped way forward and quite a bit to the left - enough to be noted in my notes. Also, and this is way tmi, when I'm putting in the tube for the progesterone gel, my vagina seems to be pointing towards my left hip. So I'm hoping that all the left centred goings on are just because everything's tipped over that way. Glad I've got my scan on Friday. Really hoping that it's not ectopic for the obvious reasons, but also because I'm not covered by health insurance yet. I really need to get it done!