Saturday 19 June 2010

June 19, 2010

Well I thought I'd give this blog business a go. Not sure what I'm going to write about but I'm not a quiet one so I'm sure I'll find something to say.

So a bit about me and my DP. I'm 35, he's 33. We know each other from school - he was in fourth form and I was in L6. We even had a relationship at school the following year but it didn't last long. Anyway, we then went our separate ways and got back in touch just after I'd split up with my husband of 5 years. It was a lovely marriage to start but turned out miserable and also no kids as my ex never felt ready. Anyway, when I got back in touch with DP, it turned out he'd split up with his wife a few years before me though he does have two children. It's been 18 months since we got back in touch and we have been a proper couple for just over 7 months and he really is my soulmate. We're both still waiting for our final divorce paperwork to come through but DP proposed to me in April and we're planning to get married as soon as we can. As it'll be both of our 2nd times round we want something uber simple and are just going to go the two of us to the registry office, spend the night in a really nice hotel and then go on a really nice honeymoon a little later on. The reason for that is that my DP works abroad for 9 weeks at a time and gets 3 weeks at home in between the rotations. So we'll probably get married on one leave and then honeymoon the following leave.

So WTT... we'd both like to be divorced by the time I get pregnant and ideally married. However, we're both so nearly there and also I'm 35 so with my age and also with the way his job works we decided that we'd start trying when he gets back for leave in 4.5 weeks time as it's unlikely I'll get pregnant right away. Though if I do, we'd both be thrilled to bits!

So to that end, I came off Cerazette the day DP left for this rotation at work and got AF on the 16th and it seems to have as good as finished today. So at least the body seems to be kicking back into action which is good. I also started taking Mother to Be supplements just under a month ago and DP has joined me while he's away taking Father to Be supplements. He's such a sweetie! So hopefully we're doing all we can to maximise our chances.

Right well that was quite a long first entry after all! lol

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