Monday 12 December 2011

Onto cycle 24 & the big AC decision

Well today is CD1 for me. For the first time ever I was 2 days over my luteal phase and I went out and bought a hpt yesterday, was impatient and tested right away (not with fmu) and I thought I could see something and got all excited about testing this morning. I'd even had a proper night sweat the night before. Then just after 7pm last night I got some fairly mild but very localised cramps (normally my AF cramps are just a dull, heavy feeling ache). And then AF turned up. I really shouldn't have let myself get excited because now I'm really down in the dumps and very teary. DH isn't home now until February so that's TTC out the window for a little while.

We've now decided that that's enough trying to conceive naturally as with DHs job the odds really aren't on our side even if everything is working just fine in both of us. But we don't even know that. Also I turn 37 in March and things just aren't going to be getting any easier for us now. So I'll be getting off my back side and sorting out medical insurance for us out here in S America and organising initial tests for myself and for DH once he's home again. And we'll go from there.

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